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Using Hypnosis Tapes

The process of self-hypnosis is a very simple one, and can be made even easier through the use of pre-recorded audio.  This allows the conscious mind to drift and relax COMPLETELY, when it otherwise might have to be occupied with trying to formulate and give self-suggestion.   There are some things to keep in mind with regards to using a hypnosis tape properly and SAFELY.

First, we can not stress this enough, no matter what, NEVER, EVER listen to a hypnosis tape while driving a car, operating machinery, sitting in water or cooking.  A good rule of thumb is to ask yourself if it is safe to fall asleep doing whatever it is you are doing…. If it is NOT safe to fall asleep, then it is NOT safe to use a hypnosis tape.  While hypnosis is not “sleep” and a trance state is not a sleep state, it is possible to drift from trance into sleep.  It is also wise to set an alarm clock for a time period slightly longer than the tape.  Most hypnosis tapes will guide you back to a normal awakened state, but it is possible to remain in a sleep or trance state if one is comfortable and enjoying it safely, the alarm clock will prevent any missed appointments.

With many of the tapes available through THIS web site, binaural beats, and DOUBLE INDUCTION HYPNO-STEREO are in use throughout the entire recording, and therefore it is best to wear stereo headphones adjusted to a comfortable volume.  Sometimes, one will experience no trance-like qualities on the first listening of a tape, this can be normal.  It is simply the conscious mind wanting to monitor the experience and have its control in things.  Once the conscious mind realizes that there is nothing there for it, it will drift away and allow your unconscious mind to have a good time.

The tapes available through this sight also use a pre-trance work booklet to set up the changes and to talk about the subject of a given tape.  While not necessary, it is strongly advisable to do this work booklet as guided by the first tape, PRIOR to using the hypnotic tapes for the first time. It will dramatically increase the effectiveness of the sessions.

When using any hypnosis tapes, MORE is not necessarily better.  It is suggested to listen to one side each day with a new tape, do this for a couple of days, and then use the tape only once or twice a week, as needed to reinforce your changes. Hypnosis works on two levels, the immediate level, and the generative level.  The immediate level is the relaxation and trance itself, the immediately noticeable changes. The generative level is the changes in feelings, attitudes, capabilities and behaviors that trance-form over time as a result of the sessions.  The generative changes are the lasting ones, but they do take time to integrate.

It is wise to listen to a hypnosis tape in its entirety whenever possible, cutting sessions short only if necessary. Usually, any given hypnosis session is a totality of direction and suggestion and they often tend to loop around to back from where they started, allowing the suggestions to go inside and be unconscious recorded with no need to conscious interference or memory.

Often, a hypnotist will make tapes of live sessions for the client to use afterward.  The rule of thumb as to how long to use a tape is common sense.  If the tape becomes annoying, ineffective or for some other reason isn’t the same positive experience it always has been, then stop using it for a time period.  Our minds are wise, and when we don’t need the hypnotic words any longer, our mind will tell us.

Hypnosis tapes can be a dramatic and powerful way for us to trance-form our lives in new and better directions.

For information on tapes we offer….  Click Here




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